The primary goal of this work is the promotion and propagation of the kingdom of God on earth, through the gospel message of salvation as commanded by our Lord Jesus Christ (Mathew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-17 and John 15:16-18)

Identifying the un-reached people every where and taking the good news of the kingdom to them by means of sharing the very Love of God in Christ Jesus.
Helping the citizen of every country in overcoming all negative and satanic forces that fights against their God given inheritance and special endowments.
Researching into every opportunity in the land by the spirit of God and standing with the natives to harness them to productivity and gainful use.
Working under God to overthrow all forms of stronghold, according to (II Corth 10:4-6) that hinders the progress of the nation, spiritually, physically, financially, socially, academically, sports wise, medically, agriculturally through earnest prayer warfare.
Standing as a support arm to the government of the land in prayers and counsel as the demand or need may arise and also training the citizens to be law abiding by the word of God.
Visiting of strategic places and institutions such as schools, prisons, seaport, airports, hospitals, military establishments, motherless babies homes, children remand homes with the gospel in other to affect their lives positively.
Serves as a God resource centre where ever we find opportunity to provide needed materials and tool for the nations spiritual well being and development.
Provide a platform through healthy spiritual teaching for love, peace and prosperity in the nation as well as model an ideal family virtues in the land.
Encourage cross-cultural harmony among the citizens and foreigners in the nation through the love of God and creating awareness to all in the love of God.
Network with all Christian organizations world wide in other to attract Godly investment into the nation of our service for the development of the same.
Seeing to the redeeming of the land and citizens as Gods ambassador through setting up schools or institutions that will champion Godly moves and initiatives.
Preaching to the un-preached people and perfecting the saints of God in the land.

Pastor Anthony Chukwu Okorie