Saturating the continent with full gospel of the kingdom of God; through, intercession, inter-relationship, Evangelisms, Agricultural, health care education and strategic trainings and networking. Sports and entertainment, politics, economics, socio-cultural interactions and redemption through divine reconciliations.
Preparing the spiritual highway for the prophetic fulfillment for African and the rest of the world with Israel (Isaiah 19).
Modeling Jesus Christ in all spheres and domains of the continent and rest of the world.
Serving as spiritual springboard for the prophetic "Rapid and Radical transformation of the continent of Africa".
We are committed to strategic trainings and repositioning of God’s end time army, as well as releasing them to the nations.
We serve as a Spiritual Mission link to the exploration and exploitation of God’s kingdom Resources in the continent of Africa and perhaps beyond.
We’re committed to the heralding of the good news of the prophetic timing of Africa in her season of Jubilee through demonstrative trumpet sounding all over the land.
We partner with the rest Apostolic global structure to beautify the bride in readiness for the return of the bridegroom even our Lord Jesus.
We are spiritually and strategically structured to provide lasting remedy to the plight of the continent, by creating definite and divine impact. INITIAL ACTIVITIES Through the years this mission outfit has pioneered various spiritual works in the nation of Benin Republic. Such as the raising of God’s altar in the twelve (12) departments to usher in the Holy Spirit outpouring upon the land and people, and for proper spiritual foundation to enable the preaching of sound gospel of the kingdom of God. In partnership with various mission agencies we have been committed to the transformation of communities and cities through spiritual, physical, educational and social activities through our various programme as reflected upon this treatise.

Pastor Anthony Chukwu Okorie