It was launched at Akosombo on the 3rd of November 2012. It was attended by parents, children and dignitaries of the local community. The library will be for everyone. It was organised by Mrs. Grace Manieson-Annancy and her husband Rev. Felix Annancy.

It was chaired by the current managing director of the Volta River Authority, Kweku Andoh Awotwi. We await the Library to be built, meanwhile a mobile library is now in use for the children.

Support and sponsorship for a fully functioning modern Library is what we are aiming to achieve for the community.

The enthusiasm and determination to learn to read and be part of the project is a joy to behold >

Meanwhile children who are able to read at present borrow books and those who are unable to read are helped at the reading clinic by our retired volunteer teachers, to get them up to speed so they can also borrow.

The habit and love of reading is a tool to enhance their knowledge and skills for their futures.

Manieson-Wright Foundation