PRODUCT and MOVEMENT - click pictures for larger/smaller


‘Ghabalm’- A specially designed product, which is a ‘medicine’, meant to change the negative attitudes of Ghanaians to facilitate nation-building. It is also meant to introduce the process of changing situations for the better in our country and to ensure an unlimited, incessant desire to change other areas apart from the issues that we have identified that is impeding our communities or national progress thereby tackling indiscipline in society. The product is a ‘medicine’ because it is addressing ‘acute national attitude disorder’ (A N A T D).


The product is seeking to create Movement for Attitudinal Change (MOFAC) that will carry out a sustained campaign wherever we work to bring about attitudinal change in our national life. Schools, religious institutions, community groups, youth wing of political parties etc. Formation of clubs to deal with identified issues to bring about positive change in the Ghanaian society is our chief goal , for we cannot claim to love Ghana and look on passively for negative attitude to take over our country whilst we can do something concrete about it.

Francis Adu Darkwah