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Cambridge University Ghanaian Society - More About Us

The CUGhS does this by mobilizing all Ghanaians studying in the University of Cambridge and the Cambridge area, coordinating their socio-cultural and intellectual activities, and creating a forum for members to interact, share experiences with each other and all other interested parties. We aim to develop a range of social and information events which will encourage students to build social networks, allowing them to have a comprehensive educational experience during their time at Cambridge. The Society also seeks to ensure that Ghanaian students merge successfully into the social, academic, and cultural life at Cambridge.

Social gatherings and cultural events are organized to facilitate camaraderie among members. Among these is the Fresher's meeting, an annual event organized to welcome incoming students and foster an atmosphere of support, cooperation, and kinship from which they would be able to draw throughout their years at Cambridge. The society regularly holds social events such as film and food nights; these are well-attended by new and old members, who view this informal gathering as an ideal opportunity to socialize and discuss varied issues.

Every year we celebrate the Independence Anniversary of Ghana. This event comprises discussion panels led by notable figures that stimulate dialogues on issues of concern to the community and an entertainment program where we entertain and educate through artistic expression of the Ghanaian people.

The discussion provides insight into how we, as both individuals and a community, can empower ourselves to thrive as leaders in these ever-changing times. This celebration draws alumni back to Cambridge to contribute to the event and to celebrate our progress.
We collaborate effectively with other student groups such as Afro- Caribbean and Nigerian Societies of Cambridge and the African Society of Oxford, and also with non-student organizations such as the Cambridge African Network.

While the past few years have been amazing for us, we believe we have only scratched the surface! The potential for the Society is quite awe-inspiring and we are amazed every time we think about the impact our membership is having all over the world- both home and abroad. Past members are leaders and distinguished in their chosen fields- academia, law, financial sector, real estate, international relations, politics but to mention a few.

© CUGhS 2019